6 signs indicating that your water heater isn’t functioning properly

6 signs indicating that your water heater isn’t  functioning properly

Most of us don’t give a second thought to our water heaters.  The only thing we know for sure is that it’s hidden away in a dark corner of the home. For as long as it continues to provide us with hot water, we don’t give it a second thought.

We’ll notice if it doesn’t provide us with hot water at all. However, there are additional indicators that show that the water heater is in need of repair. These are not directly connected to the temperature of the water. If you see any of these indicators, it’s likely a sign that your water heater needs to be checked, and may be serviced by an expert.

Here is a list of the 6 most common signs indicating that your water heater has a problem.

If you find any similarities with the signs it is important to immediately call a professional for inspection and repairs. All the relevant authorities suggest a quick repair to remove any doubt of physical harm in the future.

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Not Enough hot water

A water heater is supposed to have an adequate temperature of hot water every time you want to use it. The reason it’s not happening can show an internal problem. Most of the time there is a problem with your temperature dial. If the temperature is alright you might find a problem with the dip tube or your pipes.

All in all the moment you notice that there is not enough hot water you should contact a professional for an inspection.

Temperature issues

A water heater’s temperature should stay where you fixed it to be. Too many fluctuations in the temperature is a sign of an underlying issue. If your shower water heater runs on cold water most of the time, there’s certainly a problem with the lower element. If internal components such as the heating elements are the trouble, seek the services of a specialist to repair or replace the damaged element.

In addition, a 40-gallon heater, for example, is designed for a 30-gallon demand. You can spread out your water consumption to match the unit capacity or probably upgrade to a larger water heater to minimise temperature swings. While 30-gallon size is good for one adult, two persons will likely require 40 gallons. It is advised to pick a unit with a capacity of approximately 50 gallons for a family with one kid and increase up from there for families with four or even more people

Leakage in Water heater

It is possible that your water heater is leaking if you see water on the floor around it on a regular basis. If you don’t know what to do if your water heater is leaking, you might find yourself in a hazardous scenario. When certain conditions exist, a water heater is more likely to generate leaks. Let’s take a closer look at this.

If you see water dripping from the tank or on the ground underneath it, you have an internal leak in your water heater. If your water heater is working too hard, this might happen suddenly or gradually depending on how old it is.

Another sort of leakage happens when the T&P valve is broken. The water heater’s side pipe has a valve-like this, which you may find by looking for it. If you see water dripping from the valve, it’s releasing too much steam and has to be closed.   However, while a small amount of slow trickle is typical, excessive leakage is cause for concern.

Reduced water flow

Mineral and scale accumulation in the pipes is one of the most prevalent causes of poor hot water pressure. Once it gets out of hand, the deposit can limit water flow, forcing the water pressure to decline. In other circumstances, the accumulation is solely isolated in the unit.

The low hot water pressure might also be caused by a damaged shut-off valve, malfunctioning faucets or fittings, etc. However, when you’re not a professional, it might be a bit tough to find out what, precisely, is wrong. Whenever your water flow is reduced you should contact a top water heater repair team in Los Angeles. They will guide you through the problem and save a lot of your money in the future.

Unusual sounds

Sizzling, hissing, and crackling noises are commonly heard from electric heaters. They are often linked to silt build-up in the base of the tank, which may be addressed by annually cleaning and emptying the water heater. These noises occur when the bottom heating element is submerged by silt. However, annoying noises aren’t usually the sole indicator of this condition. Due to the water heater’s decreased ability to generate heat from the lower heating element, the same volume of water will require more energy to heat.

A gas heater could also generate sizzling sounds, albeit the issue isn’t the same. It is possible that the presence of moisture in the tank signifies the presence of a leak. 8 Inexpensive Tips for Keeping Your Air Conditioning Running Smoothly

Bad Smells from water

The most typical smell problem is a rotten egg odour while running water. This scent is generally generated by sulphate bacteria that might grow within the tank. When hot water is kept in the tank for an extended period of time, germs can grow and cause this problem.

Usually, this smell means that it is time to flush your water heater. However, checking for an internal issue never hurts.

These are some of the common symptoms of a problematic water heater. However, the symptoms are not limited to these, instead, any deviances or oddities must be properly inspected before coming to any conclusion.


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